Radio Traffic Systems and TV Traffic Systems
Traffic systems are essential to the operation of radio and TV stations. Once advertisements have been sold and production of those ads has been completed, the ads must be scheduled to run on air. Once those ads have run, Agencies/Advertisers must be billed for those services. A traffic system is primarily responsible for those aspects of station operations.
Traffic systems have been in use by most stations for many years and most station groups do not want to switch between systems. At WAVSTAR our strategy is to interface with the key traffic systems in the industry today like Natural Log, Marketron and WideOrbit and provide the aspects of station operations not typically addressed in traffic systems. Functionality like CRM, Sales Management and Workflow, Production Workflow and Management, file storage and organization are provided by WAVSTAR which then links to your traffic system of choice.
WAVSTAR currently connects to the following systems:

Natural Log traffic system is offered by Natural Broadcast Systems. This system has been on the market for over 30 years and is used by thousands of small-medium station groups worldwide. WAVSTAR is their preferred CRM partner and the owners of both companies are committed to continuous enhancement of the integration between the systems.

Marketron offers multiple traffic systems either developed or acquired over the years. WAVSTAR integrates with these systems through the Marketron Exchange platform which handles electronic order imports for stations
Wide Orbit has multiple offerings and is used by thousands of groups worldwide. WAVSTAR has completed development of the integration between our systems.